2 posts tagged



L.A. Times Quotes Dean Campbell and Professor Rotunda on Watergate

June 18, 2012 by | Faculty

L.A. Times quoted Dean Campbell and Professor Rotunda in an article entitled “Forty years after Watergate, many legal reforms rolled back.”  The article concludes that, although in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal there were many reforms to U.S. laws.,  many of those changes have since been eliminated.  Professor Rotunda is quoted as saying, “”We

C-SPAN Broadcasts Law Review’s Watergate Symposium

January 27, 2012 by | Faculty

Chapman University’s School of Law welcomed John Dean as the guest speaker for the legal symposium entitled, “The 40th Anniversary of Watergate: A Commemoration of the Rule of Law.”  Among the topics discussed was the issue of government transparency, to which Professor Ronald Rotunda contributed, “We live on leaks, [. . .] Leaks are what

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