A Message from Interim Dean Jason Keller

June 5, 2020 by Jason K. Keller, Ph.D. | News

Dear Schmid Community, Over the past week, I have ended my communications to all of you with: “Black lives matter. Black students matter. Black faculty matter. Black staff matter. Black alumni matter. Please know that I see you, and I value you. Thank you for being part of the Schmid community.”  These words were – and are –


Schmid College Faculty Receive Top University Honors

June 2, 2020 by | News

The offices of The President, Provost, and Vice President of Research annually recognize faculty across campus during Faculty Honors Convocation for outstanding achievement in teaching, scholarship, and research. The 2020 Faculty Honors Convocation was canceled due to the stay-at-home order, so faculty honors and awards were presented at the Faculty Senate Meeting on Friday, May


Schmid College SARS-CoV-2 Summer Seminar Series

June 2, 2020 by | News

Interested in learning more about the biology of the coronavirus? Announcing a new seminar series starting in July for Schmid undergraduate students! All are welcome; no biology background required! This will be a once a week seminar for roughly one hour; each week a different faculty member will lead the discussion on a given area


LinkedIn Profile Tips for STEM Students

June 2, 2020 by Leanna Izen | Career Development

Microsoft, LinkedIn’s parent company, reported that LinkedIn had reached record levels of engagement during these past few months amidst the worldwide pandemic. With the changing job market, LinkedIn Learning and employers using LinkedIn are pushing out more content than ever before. As a college student, there is no better time to create and update your


How One Becomes a Quadruple Major

May 30, 2020 by | News

Conner Carnahan ’20 graduated this spring as a quadruple major in Physics, Mathematics, Philosophy, and Business with a minor Economics. This wasn’t necessarily Conner’s plan from the start, but through his time at Chapman, he followed his passions which led him to explore a variety of academics. How One Major Snowballed into Four Carnahan entered


2020 Schmid College Senior Awards Celebration

May 22, 2020 by | Events

On Wednesday, May 20, 2020, Schmid College held its annual Senior Awards Celebration virtually over Zoom to recognize graduating seniors, present department honors, and announce outstanding senior awards. The night was filled with lots of “unmuting” for applause, and the Zoom chat box was filled with endless shout-outs to our star students. In case you


Words of Encouragement for the Class of 2020

May 21, 2020 by Jenny Gritton '19 | Events

Due to Chapman’s graduation ceremonies being postponed, Chapman asked the alumni community to send our graduating classes words of encouragement during this time. Below is a message from environmental science & policy alumna, Jenny Gritton ’19. Dear Graduating Class of 2020, I remember it rained on my graduation day. I was so bummed! I spent


Food Science Students Dominate Chapman 3MT® Competition

May 17, 2020 by | News

Founded by the University of Queensland, Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) is a student competition that challenges Masters and Ph.D. students to condense hours of research and pages of text into a three-minute talk that effectively explains their research in a way that engages a non-specialist audience. After the first competition in 2008, 3MT® has expanded


To The Incredible Schmid Faculty...

May 17, 2020 by Lindsay Zumwalt '20 | News

Dear Schmid Faculty, When the final weeks of our last undergraduate semester moved online, many of us seniors were disheartened, not knowing when the next time we would see the Schmid faculty in-person. Although, yes, we see our current professors virtually every week, it is not the same. We cannot say hello to our freshman


Schmid Students Recognized at 2020 Campus Leadership Awards

May 16, 2020 by | Events

On May 15, 2020, Dean of Students Jerry Price, Ph.D. held the 2020 Campus Leadership Awards to recognize and celebrate the outstanding achievements of our Chapman students. This year due to the stay-at-home order, Dean Price presented the awards virtually from his home. He recorded and uploaded the videos to the @LifeatCU Instagram account. You can view

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