Chapman’s New .EDU
March 26, 2012
Chapman University faculty, students and staff:
Tonight the new Chapman University website ( has launched! We hope you will take time to explore our new site over the next few days and weeks.
We want to express our thanks and admiration to the scores of people in every department throughout the university who helped to migrate and create content – and without whose support this project never could have been completed. Kudos to all of you!
A few notes about the new website:
- Google will need to index the new site before the Search mechanism will start working correctly. Since Google cannot index the site until it’s live, it’s possible that for a few hours tomorrow morning, the Search feature may return links to old URL’s. Some of these links will work and some won’t. Please have patience until the automated indexing is completed.
- If you have bookmarked or “favorited” any pages on the old site, many of them will no longer work – you’ll need to update your bookmarks. We have constructed many re-directs from old department pages, however, so some may still work in the short term. It’s wise to check them out, though.
- Looking for QuickLinks? Click on Directory, next to the Search box at the top of each page
- Want to get to the MyWindow portal? Click on Portal LogIn, also next to the Search box at the top of each page.
- Are you following Happenings or any of Chapman’s other blogs? is live and updated with new blogs!
- Although we have checked through all 3,000+ pages of the new website with a fine-toothed comb, you may still find bugs and errors. We welcome your corrections and feedback! To report an error or typo, or to give feedback about the site, visit
- If you are using an old or outdated browser and want to look at the new Chapman website, you’ll notice a yellow message strip at the top of the page inviting you to obtain a better, more modern browser. Please take advantage of this prompt – click the link and you will see instructions on how to contact the IS&T Service Desk for help, or access the Self-Service Portal. Once you have your new browser installed, you will be able to enjoy all the amenities of the new website.
We hope you enjoy Chapman’s new website!
-Strategic Marketing and Communications | Chapman University