Richard Bausch, professor of creative writing in the Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences, will deliver this year’s Aims of Education address at Convocation 2013.
Chapman University’s Class of 2017 will be officially welcomed at the 152
Convocation on Wednesday, Aug. 21, at 9 a.m. in the Harold Hutton Sports Center. The class includes 1,300 new students, selected from some 14,000 applicants.
This time-honored event is an Orientation Week highlight, officially launching the academic year. Proceedings include faculty marching in full regalia and greetings from the administration, student leaders and alumni. The featured presentation is the annual Aims of Education address, given this year by Richard Bausch, professor of creative writing in the Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Students, staff and alumni are welcome to attend.
An acknowledged master of the short story form, Richard Bausch has had his work appear in
The Atlantic Monthly
The New Yorker
Gentleman’s Quarterly, Playboy
The Southern Review
New Stories From the South
The Best American Short Stories
O. Henry Prize Stories
The Pushcart Prize Stories
Bausch has been awarded the prestigious Rea Award for the Short Story, recognizing a living American or Canadian writer whose published work has made a “significant contribution in the discipline of the short story as an art form.” The award is unique in that it is not given for a collection of stories or for a body of work, but rather for originality and influence on the genre.
Recently, Bausch’s work
was featured on NPR’s Selected Shorts, in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings, as a way to use “good fiction to make sense of the senseless.”
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