Justin Walsh Documents the Habitation of the ISS
Just under ten years from now, in January of 2031, the International Space Station (ISS) will fall purposely to Earth at Point Nemo, about 2,000 miles (3,219 kilometers) north of Antarctica. The ISS has functioned for years, servicing our planet as the home of astronaut crews. The ultimate fate of the space station has been

Research Seed Fund
“Supporting Innovative New Faculty Research” Chapman University’s Office of Research is excited to announce the new Research Seed Fund which provides competitive, merit-based support for short-term projects as described below. These projects are intended to support Chapman University faculty in the development of new and innovative research, with the goal to: Provide faculty with opportunities

Scholarly Creative Fund
“Supporting Faculty Development of Knowledge and Creative Works” Chapman University’s Office of Research is excited to announce the new Scholarly Creative Fund (once a part of the Faculty Opportunity Fund) which provides competitive, merit-based support for short-term projects as described below. These projects are intended to support Chapman University faculty in the development of new

Dr. Janeen Hill as Acting Vice-President for Research
Dr. Janeen Hill will serve as Acting Vice-President for Research. Dr. Hill currently serves as the Dean of the Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences, a position she will continue to occupy while serving as Acting Vice-President until the university is able to fill permanently the position, likely by the beginning of the academic

California 100 Project Seeking Proposals
It is the pleasure of Henry Brady, Former Dean of Goldman School of Public Policy at University of California Berkeley, to announce and solicit proposals in two topic areas as part of an exciting initiative for the state of California, called the California 100 Project. This initiative, in collaboration with the University of California and

Ask The Experts Virtual Town Hall: Vaccine Hesitancy
Chapman University’s Vice President for Research, Thomas Piechota, hosts Ask the Experts Virtual Town Hall: Vaccine Hesitancy on Thursday, September 16, Noon – 1 PM, featuring faculty experts Jeff Goad, PharmD., MPH (School of Pharmacy), Jennifer Totonchy, Ph.D. (School of Pharmacy), Gary Fong, PharmD. (School of Pharmacy) and Michael Shermer, Ph.D. (Presidential Fellow) who will

Another Successful Cohort is Launched
As part of the effort to enhance faculty development and grant writing capabilities, the Office of Research hosted Chapman University’s third Grant Writers’ Bootcamp on August 17th and 18th. Participants were required to submit a proposal for seed funding and were selected based on their proposal potential. This spectacular class was composed of a diverse

Retirement of Bruce Kennedy, IACUC Administrator
Dear Campus Colleagues, It is with mixed emotions that I am writing to announce the retirement of Bruce Kennedy, IACUC Administrator. I am both saddened that Bruce will be leaving Chapman, but happy for Bruce to be starting this new chapter. Bruce’s distinguished career spans more than 40 years in academia and research support. Having

Welcoming Shawn Scott
The Office of Research is pleased to announce that Shawn Scott has joined Sponsored Projects Services (SPS) in the role of Contracts & Grants Administrator, as of August 2nd. Shawn came to Chapman University after having spent the past 13 years managing all federal funding in Guam’s Department of Administration’s Division of Accounting where he oversaw

Ask the Experts Virtual Town Hall:
Chapman University’s Vice President for Research, Thomas Piechota hosts Ask the Experts Virtual Town Hall: The World After COVID on Wednesday, September 1st from 9:00 – 10:00 AM PST. The event will feature Richard Florida, the world’s premier urban expert, who will discuss the global future with leading experts from US, Europe, Africa and Asia.