Time to be a tourist! We visited many fun famous tourist locations on our first day in Beijing for the BUS 494 Travel Course. Our experiences through the city helped expose us to the culture of the city and country which then influenced our thoughts on the business culture abroad.

Our first stop: the Temple of Heaven! (pictured above) Our group was so excited when we got here because of its preservation of great Chinese culture embodied throughout the park and in the buildings. The locals here were very welcoming to foreigners and loved performing for us. My favorite moment of this visit was when a Chapman student, Andrew Jacocks and Professor Myhr really immersed themselves in the culture performed Tai Chi with locals in the park!

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Rickshaw ride! What’s a rickshaw you ask? Our group took 12 rickshaws in a row along the Hou Hai Lake to a local family’s home and restaurant for authentic dumplings! Although the city is quickly constructing new buildings, I noticed that they were also putting a lot of effort into reconstructing the older parts of the city. That was something I had not considered when discussing the city’s growth in class. I assumed that they were focusing on building the new, but instead a lot of attention was on preserving and maintaining the older parts of the city.

We ended the night with an authentic Peking Duck Dinner! YUM! Prior to the trip, we knew we would be eating some Peking Duck which Beijing prides themselves on, so our group had some expectations going into this meal! We learned that this dish has been in Chinese Cuisine for centuries and duck carving technique is passed down generations. The duck was delicious and fascinating to learn that they treated duck carving as an art!

What a long and packed day!

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