The Chapman Diversity Project is pleased to support the development of an Advisory Group on the Status of Veterans. This group will examine the types of support and resources that will help ensure the success of veterans and military-connected members of the Chapman community. Through dialogue and research on best practices at peer and aspirational schools, this group will identify top issues and seek to make short and long-term recommendations about how Chapman can strengthen the campus climate for veterans and military-related members of our community. Some topics that may be explored could include how to reinforce access and administrative processes related to the VA GI Bill, recruitment and retention of veteran students, staff and resources available for support, collaborative veteran events and initiatives, veteran onboarding, student groups and campus-wide marketing of available resources.
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We are looking for representatives who are undergraduate and graduate students, staff, faculty, administrators, trustees and alumni to form a group of up to 20 members. Like all Chapman Diversity Project Advisory Groups, this group will meet every other week in the Fall and Spring academic semesters of 2015-2016, and will continue to meet in the coming years. If you are interested in joining this group – please email Erin Pullin: to indicate your interest and contact information or fill out the interest form for the Chapman Diversity Project located here: