The Silicon Valley Travel Course is one of the most amazing experiential learning opportunities the Chapman business school has to offer. Each year, a small group of 10-20 students gets to visit Silicon Valley and meet with the local leaders of the venture capital and startup community. This year, 12 students visited the following organizations:

  • Startup Capital Ventures
  • SVB Capital
  • KPCB
  • Citi Ventures
  • Pivotal
  • Sierra Ventures
  • City National Bank
  • Garage Technology Ventures
  • Draper University
  • Women Startup Lab
  • PokitDok

As you can see, we visited venture capital firms, incubators, startups, and banks, so students got to experience almost every facet of the Silicon Valley ecosystem. At these locations, we learned about fund investment strategies, the qualities of a great entrepreneur and team, trends in technology, the personal journeys of some of the biggest names in Silicon Valley… and made some amazing connections along the way!

The final class assignment was for each student team of 2 to create a video describing their experience and what they learned. Watch the video below to hear about one team’s experience, and what they learned during the course: