In 2014, the Chapman University Center for Global Education (CGE) successfully completed the Quality Improvement Program (QUIP) for Education Abroad, an independent review system in education abroad, signifying that Chapman University is committed to international education and Education Abroad’s Standards of Good Practice. The CGE participated in a comprehensive self-study and peer review process in order to achieve this highly regarded recognition. The comprehensive report and recommendations highlighted the CGE’s strengths and accomplishments in the last decade, as well as ways to continue to
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To further improve services to students and the Chapman community, in Spring 2015, Chapman University joined Institute of International Education’s (IIE) Generation Study Abroad initiative to help more students gain international experiences. Chapman University pledges to increase the number of students who study abroad to 60% of the student population through semester abroad, faculty-led Travel Courses, and International Internships. Read the full press release. The Generation Study Abroad initiative forwards Chapman’s QUIP recognition by continuing to improve on best practices to increase the diversity of student participation in education abroad.

Through QUIP, the CGE was recognized for thoroughly preparing students before study abroad and has taken steps to further improve these services. In the past year, CGE staff have initiated more in-depth advising practices for semester abroad programs, such as meeting individually with every semester abroad applicant to ensure good program fit and emphasizing academics in the program location. The CGE has initiated more meetings with faculty to discuss curriculum integration, academic barriers to study abroad, and value of current offerings for their students.

The CGE is continuing to look at increasing the number of underrepresented students abroad. A staff member presented at an orientation meeting for First Generation students and was selected as a Gilman Scholarship panelist in spring 2015. With the knowledge gained from the panel, the CGE, along with the office of Fellowships and Scholar Programs, will host a Gilman Scholarship workshop in Fall 2015 targeting traditionally underrepresented students in study abroad and international internships.

The Pre-Departure Orientation has also improved since receiving QUIP recognition. The orientation now includes an online portion and assessment. The Associate Director and Overseas Program Manager have expanded the in-person orientation with videos and content, along with inviting returned study abroad students to talk about their experiences. The new Global Studies 101, an online, non-credit pre-departure course, contains a wide variety of information and assignments for students to complete to better prepare them and manage expectations before departure to the host country.

Learn more about the Chapman University Center for Global Education