Chapman Staff Awarded 2nd Place at WACE
April 13, 2016
Anne Harmon, Christopher Jackson, and Jamie Gutierrez participated in a case study competition that addressed creating inclusive campus environments for students at colleges and universities. The competition was held during the Western Association of College and University Housing Officers (WACUHO) Annual Conference and Exposition (WACE). The conference took place in Long Beach, California from April 10-13. New professionals from a variety of colleges and universities throughout California competed to present creative solutions to the evolving challenges that institutions of higher education face throughout the country.
With only a few years of professional experience between them, Gutierrez, Harmon, and Jackson were able to demonstrate an impressive display of knowledge. The trio was given the case study and presented their ideas and strategies to the WACE judges with less than 24-hours to prepare. The three Residence Life and First Year Experience staff members were awarded the 2nd place prize to the applause of hundreds of colleagues.