As we prepare to return to in-person instruction on March 29th, 2021, Educational Technology Services is providing a series of resources to help faculty and students prepare for HyFlex instruction.

With HyFlex instruction, consider that

  • learning must be equitable between students attending online and students attending in person
  • as much as possible, create a single learning community, regardless of how students participate

To help you in this endeavor, consider the following HyFlex classroom management checklist.

HyFlex Classroom Management Checklist

Before Class

❏ Share materials (slides, handouts, etc.) on Canvas so that remote students have access to them.

❏ Arrive at the classroom early (~15 minutes) to make sure the hardware and software are ready to go.

❏ Start the videoconference session at least 5 minutes before class. After the first few students
connect, make sure they can see and hear you.

Starting Class

❏ Assign a student to monitor the participant panel and chat window for “raised hands” or
contributions/questions via chat. Consider requesting a Student Technology Expert ahead of time to assist. (Student Technology Expert program ended Spring 2021).

❏ If you are recording the class session, remind all students that the session will be recorded before
starting to record.

❏ Acknowledge and welcome your students attending remotely.

During Class

❏ As needed, adjust the webcam to face the focal point of attention (you, the whiteboard,
the demonstration, etc.).

❏ Periodically, look into the camera to make eye contact with your remote students and talk directly to them.

❏ Periodically check in with the student assigned to monitor the videoconference to address any
questions or contributions (or technical issues).

❏ Alternate between in-person students and remote students when soliciting input from the class.

Ending Class

❏ Refer students to any materials in Canvas in preparation for the next session.

❏ Acknowledge the remote students in closing the class and confirm when they can exit the

❏ Before ending the videoconference, check to see if any remote students want to stay after class to
ask any questions. If so, stop recording.


For a more thorough resource that gives examples of different scenarios, see Kevin Kelly’s HyFlex Course Design — Example 50-min & 75-min Class Sessions

Adapted from: Preparing to Teach a Hybrid Course, University of Miami.