
  • Instructors can make PDFs and web pages hosted in Canvas annotatable.
  • Students can then annotate course readings collaboratively, sharing comments, and replying to each other’s comments.
  • Instructors can also create annotation assignments using Hypothesis so that students submit their annotation “sets” for feedback and grading in Canvas.
  • Hypothesis allows instructors to create small reading groups using Canvas’ built-in Groups. Instructors need to make sure they have built and configured the Canvas Group Sets and Canvas Groups before creating a new Hypothesis reading.
  • Detailed instructions for Hypothes.is

Canvas Student Annotation Submissions

  • Instructors upload a file (PDF or Word files will have the best compatibility) for a student to annotate as an assignment submission. Students annotate the file and submit it from within Canvas.
  • Student annotation assignments cannot be used for group assignments.
  • Although annotations are supported in the Canvas Student app, this specific assignment type is not currently supported for mobile devices. If instructors want students to be able to annotate a document via the mobile app, they should also use the File Uploads submission type and provide the original file in the assignment description for students to download and annotate in the app.
  • Peer reviews are supported for student annotation submissions. However, Anonymous Peer Reviews are not supported for student annotation assignments, as the names of students are not displayed anonymously in annotations.
  • Detailed instructions for Canvas Student Annotation Submissions.