Rich Content Editor

External Link Icon Update


The icon identifying the use of external links has been updated.

Change Benefit

This updates the icon to the modern INST-UI version.

Feature Workflow

External Link IconExternal Link Icon

When an external link is used, the updated icon displays.

RCE Icon Maker

Use Custom Images in Icons


Instructors can upload and crop custom and course images in the Rich Content Editor Icon Maker.

Change Benefit

This Update provides instructors with more options for customizing icons in the RCE Icon Maker.

Feature Workflow

RCE Icon Maker Add Image Menu

RCE Icon Maker Add Image Menu

When adding an image in the RCE Icon Maker, instructors can choose Upload Image [1] or Course Image [2].

RCE Icon Maker Crop ToolRCE Icon Maker Crop Tool

To customize an image, instructors can use the drop-down menu to select an image and crop the image into a shape [1], rotate the image [2], flip the image [3], zoom the image [4] and reset the image [5].


New Quizzes Grade Sync Update


In Speedgrader, syncing grade changes from a New Quiz has improved.

Change Benefit

This Update improves the sync reliability between New Quizzes and Speedgrader.

Feature Workflow

Speedgrader Editing New QuizSpeedgrader Editing New Quiz

In Speedgrader, edit the points of a New Quiz [1] and click Update [2]. The updated grade is displayed in the sidebar [3].