16 posts categorized in



Summer 2024 hours for Canvas Support The Virtual Tech Hub

May 20, 2024 by | Faculty

Starting Monday, May 20, 2024, and concluding on Friday, August 16, 2024, our drop-in support hours for the Virtual Tech Hub are: 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm MONDAY through THURSDAY We will be closed for the following: May 27 for Memorial Day June 19 for Juneteenth July 3 and 4 for Independence Day Drop-in support

YuJa Updates December 2023

December 13, 2023 by | Faculty

Dear Chapman Instructors and Staff, The Educational Technology Services team meets with our friends at YuJa on a monthly basis to review the new features that are the most relevant for the Chapman community.  Below please find the list of new features for December 2023. Do you have questions about YuJa?  Visit us in the Virtual Tech

YuJa Updates October 2023

October 24, 2023 by | Faculty

Dear Chapman Instructors and Staff, The Educational Technology Services team meets with our friends at YuJa on a monthly basis to review the new features that are the most relevant for the Chapman community.  Below please find the list of new features for October 2023. Do you have questions about YuJa?  Visit us in the Virtual Tech

How to create a YuJa playlist

September 6, 2023 by | Faculty

Dear Chapman Instructors and Staff, It is now possible to create custom playlists using YuJa.  Below please find instructions for creating and sharing a YuJa playlist. Creating your playlist Access YuJa by navigating to video.chapman.edu or by clicking on YuJa in the left-side navigation menu of a Canvas course. Click on Playlists in the menu

YuJa Playlists New Customized Playlist Creation Tool in YuJa

June 6, 2023 by | YuJa

Now available from the My Media Navigation Bar, Content Creators (Faculty, Staff, and Students) can create custom playlists by adding and rearranging media content in any sequence they desire. Once a playlist has been created, it may then be directly linked or embedded for viewing on any desired website. Future updates will enhance the Playlist

YuJa Updates: Video Quizzes

April 18, 2023 by | YuJa

YuJa made two updates to their Video Quiz feature: Link External Resources to Video Quiz Decision-Point Questions Quiz creators can now seamlessly add videos, documents, and links to decision-point questions, providing students access to relevant resources when selecting a decision.     Video Quiz Slow-Down Controls Available In the previous release, YuJa provided instructors with

Embedding your YuJa videos in Canvas

March 10, 2023 by | Canvas

YuJa makes it easy to create and add video content in multiple areas of Canvas. For example, you can add videos on Pages, Assignments, Discussions, and Announcements. Anywhere you see the Rich Content Editor in Canvas, you will find the YuJa Media Picker. For a demonstration of how the YuJa Media Picker works in Canvas,

YuJa Updates: Pause Recording Indicator

September 20, 2022 by | YuJa

This YuJa update provides a clear reminder for the Presenter when a recording is paused. You can enable the option for an on-screen indicator that clearly lets you know you have paused your recording. 1. Launch the YuJa Software capture application and close the capture window. 2. Navigate to the YuJa icon in your system’s

YuJa Updates: Alternate Installer

September 20, 2022 by | YuJa

The Alternate Installer in YuJa will allow users who do not have local administrative rights on their computer to install and change settings within YuJa Software Capture. It can be installed through the user’s My Account. At this time the Alternative Installer is only available for Windows PC users with the Instructor role in YuJa.

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