2 posts tagged

first day of class


Class Rules or, what I learned on the first day of History 233

August 31, 2016 by | Pedagogy

Last night I taught the first session of HIST 233: Disability in American Life.  One of our initial activities was to discuss our “Class Rules.”  To begin this discussion, I asked the students what were some typical Class Rules that they’d had in other courses at Chapman.  The listed the following: No bathroom breaks No

The First Day (an alternative to reading the syllabus)

August 3, 2016 by | Pedagogy

Back when I was a student, I hated the first day of classes (aka Read the Syllabus Day).  One semester I rather snarkily informed each of my professors how much I’d paid for their class that day, and that I didn’t feel as though I was getting my money’s worth when the day consisted of

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