
Career and Industry team
: Jo Bandy, director (right) and Haley Wragg, development assistant (left)

In August, the
Career and Industry
team attended
on campus. We were on the hunt for pieces of advice and inspiring stories that we could share with our alumni. What we left with were gems that are applicable to both personal and professional development. Here are some memorable takeaways that we found inspirational for anyone pursuing professional development.





Ryan Gattis ’01 had nearly given up on his career in writing until his friend Kevin Staniec, ’01, brought him into Black Hill Press.

Alumnus and author Ryan Gattis ’01 
was one of two Chapman aumni who spoke at TEDxChapmanU 2015. His story had the crowd on a roller coaster. One minute we were gasping in concern, and the next we were laughing out loud! If you haven’t heard,
his novel, All Involved, was just picked up by HBO.
We can’t wait to watch the show! Congratulations to Ryan.

Our key takeaway from Ryan’s talk that we can bring to the workplace?
“Authenticity is a magnet.”


Dr.Anthony Chang on stage with his patient

Dr. Anthony Chang (Pediatric Cardiologist)
shined light on the looming issue of physician professional (un)happiness. He shared how taking time to connect with his patients helps him rekindle his passion and strengthen feelings of professional purpose and happiness. Dr. Chang also explained how the industry is changing, and he is starting to look at medicine through the lens of Artificial intelligence. “I want to get into an era of intelligence-based medicine,” Dr. Chang said.

Dr. Chang’s most memorable quote for us was, ”
the best way to innovate is to collaborate

Proud Chapman dad Doug Woo, COO of Fuhu,
spoke all about innovation. Doug joined Fuhu in 2013 as president of the company’s Smart Display division, where he led the development and market launch of the
nabi Big Tab
displays, an innovative product that is revolutionizing family game time. When reflecting on the process that brought Fuhu to where it is today with their family and children-centered product lines, he asserted that ”
innovation is practical change driven by desperation and inspiration
.” Have you had the same experience when innovating during your professional career?

Phu Hoang, entrepreneur and CEO of Virtium Technology, Inc.
, spoke to the crowd about his experience as an entrepreneur and how we can fulfill our entrepreneurial dreams as well. He pointed out that
if we commit to improving ourselves just 1% every month, that turns into about 10% a year, and we can improve ourselves by 100% in just a decade
. Mr. Hoang bluntly shared, “thinking about your passion isn’t going to get your there… you can be hired to build other people’s dream, or you can build your own.”

Brian Vellmure, management consultant and blogger
, focused on life lessons during his talk, but his message can parallel with professional development as well.  He explained how team sports, adventure, and travel can help prepare children for the future. For example, travel helps people succeed by developing a combination of curiosity, grit, and character

He shared that in order to
succeed, we need to learn to adapt to foreign environments, work to acquire underdeveloped skills, and overcome failure/uncertainty

Alumni : Did you also attend TEDxChapmanU this summer? If so, what were your key takeaways? Comment below and share your thoughts!

(If you didn’t get a chance to attend
event this year, be sure to
 view the videos that were recently published