Class of 2019,

You’re almost there! Soon, you’ll be crossing the graduation stage, entering life as alumni, and diving into the ‘real world.’

Chances are, you have been asked, “what are you doing after graduation?” about 1,000 times in the last week alone.

Not to be redundant… but what are you doing after graduation? Let us know! Please take a few minutes to complete your First Destination Survey today.

If you’re plans aren’t solidified yet (you’ve been dreading that question and quickly changing the subject) don’t worry. Chapman’s career team is here to help. Rain or shine, now or later, Chapman is here as your career connection for life. Whether you are getting ready for an interview, are actively applying, need a sounding board, or simply don’t know where to start, support is available. Your access to career services – even as alumni – is free and forever.

About the First Destination Survey

Whether you already have a job lined up, are seeking work, applying to graduate school, volunteering, joining the military, or traveling – the way you let us know what your next steps are is via this survey.

Plus, after you fill it out, you’ll be able to explore a page showing a summary of what, in general, your Class of 2019 is up to.

Automatic Gift & Grand Prizes

Although the survey only takes a few minutes, we understand your time is valuable. That’s why everyone will receive a thank you gift, and a few lucky Panthers will win grand prizes upon completing their survey.

✔ Automatically earn a Chapman University business card holder and key chain

✔ Be entered to win Chapman’s Class ’19 First Destination Survey sweepstakes for 2 roundtrip domestic airline tickets to a destination of your choosing (details here)

✔ Be entered to win Handshake’s First Destination national sweepstakes for multiple $250 Amazon gift cards

Enter to win by completing your survey

In addition to landing you great prizes, your response…

✔ Contributes to Chapman’s national rankings and outcome statistics which impact the value of your Chapman degree

✔ Helps us tell the Chapman story, which sustains the recruitment of high-caliber future Chapman students

✔ Tells us where to focus our efforts in order to support your Class of 2019 and set future classes up for success

✔ Is confidential. Results are published anonymously as an aggregate in an annual report

What if my plans change?

If your post-graduation plans change – you land the job of your dreams, get accepted to graduate school, or simply decide to go a different direction – that’s okay! You can update your response to your First Destination Survey anytime until December 31, 2019 by logging into your Handshake account.

Career Support: Free & Forever

As always, please know that Chapman is your career connection for life. Whether you are looking to start your career, pursue a new path, or hone your professional skill sets, Chapman University’s Career and Professional Development team will provide you with free support for a lifetime. You may have walked across that graduation stage- but you are certainly not alone!

Set up an in-person or virtual career appointment on your Handshake account

Start networking with fellow Panthers in Chapman’s official LinkedIn group

Class of 2019 undergraduate grads can complete and update their First Destination Survey responses until December 31, 2019 on Handshake:

Sweepstakes rules can be viewed on Handshake at:

Argyros students can find their unique survey and sweepstakes at: