Does technology play a big role in your life? Start now and incorporate technology into your academics while pursuing your MBA at the George L. Argyros School of Business & Economics.

Even though technology is constantly changing, below is a list of some of the classic web and mobile applications to launch your career as a successful MBA candidate.

student with many different drums

1.’s mission is to provide a platform for users to accomplish great things by making things happen through virtual check lists of daily, weekly, monthly and yearly responsibilities. organizes tasks, appointments, and reminders in one place while simultaneously syncing with other compatible applications and devices.’s touch-based interface is user-friendly with simple instructions to create new tasks, mark tasks as completed, and remove tasks when all done through a swipe motions.

Available on iPhone, Android, Chrome, and on the web.


2. EasyBib

EasyBib is a citation generator that creates bibliographies. Whether your looking for APA, MLA or Chicago style formatting, save time while working on research papers and projects by entering your sources into EasyBib, which will automatically create and save your works cited page.

Available on iPhone, Android, Chrome, and on the web.




The app includes both a dictionary and thesaurus that can be accessed with or without internet connection. Reference terms and phrases by using the intuitive interface’s search bar.

Available on iPhone, Android, Chrome, and on the web.



4. Dropbox

Dropbox is a free digital cloud storage environment where users can store documents, pictures, videos, and music.  Through Dropbox, files can be shared with others to collaborate on projects. Internet connection is required to access files.

Available on iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Windows, Chrome, and on the web.



5. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is an online extension of networking where you can follow your business connections. This social networking app for business professionals allows users to expand their personal brand while staying up-to-date with other companies and interest groups.

Available on iPhone, Android, Chrome, Blackberry, Windows, and on the web.



6. Bloomberg

The Bloomberg apps publishes the latest world and finance news and allows users to create a personalized landing page.

Available on iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Samsung, Windows, and on the web.


futuristic building

7. TED

Need inspiration from the best speakers around the world? The TED app contains video presentations from TED conferences from around the world. Speakers include fascinating people, educators, business experts, scientists, philosophers, and more.

Available on iPhone, Android, and on the web.


adias product collage

8. Mashable

Mashable is a large independent news source that reports changes in social media, technology, and digital culture. Alerts notify users of trending articles and viral news. This app is designed to take you back to the app’s homepage at the conclusion of reading an article.

Available on iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Google, and on the web.



9. SelfControl

Do you find yourself wasting time on websites that are distracting you from your assignments? SelfControl is a free application that will block access to websites, mailboxes and other resources on the Internet that are taking time away from your studies. Create your own blacklist and set a timer that will make those sites unavailable.

Available on Mac OSX.


ExamTime logo

10. ExamTime

ExamTime changes the way you learn by personalizing your study environment. Stay engaged with your coursework by utilizing study resources such as notes, mind maps, quizzes, and flashcards.

Available on the web.

Is your favorite app not listed above?
Comment below with your insight on how you use apps as a student!