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MBA candidate Chris Hauber ‘14 and David Dunn ’10 are entrepreneurs who value their Chapman University connections. Even though they are from different graduating classes, their Chapman affiliation brought them together to establish a creative production company:
Light Productions

“My father always told me to surround myself with the most successful people I know,” explained Dunn on how he partnered with Hauber. Dunn, who received a BFA in Film Production from the Dodge College of Film and Media Arts, knew he wanted to hire his friends once he started his own business. ”We rely on each other for the expertise we have in each other’s fields,” said Hauber, who recently completed his BA in Business Administration and is currently an MBA student at the
George L. Argyros School of Business and Economics

Light Productions began when one of Dunn’s mentors told him that he needed to start his own business. Dunn mentioned his business plan to Hauber, who was immediately on board. In four months, Dunn and Hauber filed a DBA for their business and formalized a plan to bring their first project to fruition.

Light Productions is a production company that focuses on producing its own original content, as well as helping outside artists produce their own content. “We’re producers,” explained Dunn. “We’re finding talent, finding ways to finance their endeavors, and creating content.”

Their first project? A music video for an opera singer. The duo recently launched a 
 project to fund a professional recording of a song. ”Crowd funding is a big resource for young entrepreneurs,” said Hauber.

“Without the business knowledge I’ve accumulated at Chapman University, I don’t think our company would have launched so quickly,” said Hauber regarding the vital importance his MBA serves in his current role as CFO of Light Productions. Dunn, who is Lead Artist of the company, also feels that a lot of what he’s learned at Chapman has been able to help him present himself as an artist. Using their Chapman University degrees, Dunn and Hauber shine a bright “light” on their company’s future.

About Light Productions, LLC

Founded by David Dunn & Chris Hauber, Light Productions is a company that focuses on one thing: creation.

From music videos to feature films, from simple songs to full-blown musical productions, and many other forms of media, we cherish the pure intentions of the artist while understanding the practical applications of making them sustainable business ideas.