Don’t let student loan debt get the best of you! Advance your financial literacy by attending the upcoming personal finance seminars. Learn how to organize your financial affairs, achieve your financial objectives, and secure a sound financial future.

The Hoag Center for Real Estate and Finance is pleased to offer students this comprehensive, three week seminar at the reduced cost of $15.  This program fee includes all materials and the course is taught by Chapman’s own, Kelly Rogers, certified financial educator.

Session Dates: January 14/15, 21/22, and 28/29, 2015 from 5:15 – 7:45 PM (all sessions held in AF 207)

Topics Covered include: budgeting, banking, borrowing, saving, renter’s rights, home buying, car buying versus car leasing, insurance, retirement planning, and investment fundamentals.

Follow the link below to register before spaces fill up:

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