Three of my esteemed colleagues (Brittany Bui, Wilson Lamb, and AJ Wheatley) and I recently took a trip to the great city of Chicago to attend the Moneythink Summer Leadership Institute leadership conference. We are all members of an organization on campus called “Moneythink.”

As Moneythink mentors, we partner with local high schools to teach principles of financial literacy to lower income students. The mission of this organization is to instill good spending and saving habits in the students in order to help them prepare for future personal and professional goals.

While attending Moneythink Summer Leadership Institute 2015, we shared our experiences with other mentors from around the country. There were creative workshops, new product reveals, and a slew of polarizing keynote speakers throughout the three days. Overall, the event was a priceless experience and really helped to open my eyes to financial state of America’s youth and the impact we are making through Moneythink.

We were one of the only West Coast schools represented at the conference, and the other chapters included Yale, University of Chicago, Duke, Ole Miss, Notre Dame, among many more.

This year, Chapman won the “Best in Impact” award. Our team would like to thank the Argyros School for all of their support because we would not have been able to participate in this incredible conference without them.