Male student Mason Collins

Senior Business Administration major Mason Collins ’19 is graduating with an emphasis in Finance and a minor in Leadership this spring, but he will be returning to Chapman University to pursue his MBA next fall. Before beginning his graduate education, Mason will intern this summer with William Morris Endeavor (WME) in Beverly Hills. His internship will start him down the path toward his career goal of becoming a talent agent.

When preparing to apply for internships, Mason took full advantage of the Argyros School Career Services Center. The team helped him by reviewing and fine-tuning his resumé and cover letters in a way that best represents him as a desirable candidate. The initial applications were successful, and Mason had multiple rounds of interviews, both on the phone and in-person.

To prepare for his in-person interview Mason scheduled a mock interview with Career Services. Looking back at the mock interview, Mason said it “helped a lot to prepare me  and made me feel more comfortable walking into the interview.” The internship will expose Mason to three different industries is interested in: wealth management, athlete representation, and talent representation.

Time management is one of Mason’s strengths, evident in his busy undergraduate activities. He is on track to complete his bachelor’s degree in four years, successfully applied to graduate school and summer internships, plays drums and guitar with friends in a garage band and he competes on the Chapman baseball team. He contributed significantly as a pitcher during his first three years and is poised to do so again as a senior. Originally from northern California, baseball was one factor in his decision to come to Chapman but a great academic environment was also high on his list when choosing schools.

His experience with the Argyros School of Business and Economics has been very strong and he cites the many professors with impressive industry and career experience brought into the classroom as an educational highlight. The school’s reputation is echoed by responses he gets when people find out he is a student at Chapman, and he says, “they all think it is a great school.” Mason appreciates hearing this even from individuals with no connection to the University, and that is part of why he’ll be back in the fall for his MBA.

Join us in wishing congratulations to Mason on his multiple recent accomplishments, from grad school acceptance to his internship, and best of luck this season with Chapman Baseball.