April’s Alumni Q&A Spotlight is on Eric Uehlinger, MBA ’14, Finance Senior Manager at First American. Eric went through the Executive MBA program.

Why did you choose the finance industry?

I have family that works in Financial Services, and there tends to be a lot of jobs and diversity within this field. I made a change within the industry when I received my MBA and decided to take a business finance role. I had done my research prior to making the change but you never really know if you are going to like a career path until you are actually in it. Now that I have been in this role for four years I can say I enjoy what I do and I like the company and management that I work for.

How did you strategize to get your career to where it is today?

I’m big on problem-solving prior to someone having to tell me to do so. My plan has been and currently still is to fix problems as I come across them. Don’t ignore them assuming someone else will figure it out. Also, to continually find ways to improve current processes. Doing that tends to help your career move in the right direction.

What career advice do you have for current students entering the industry in this job market? 

Take the time to understand what it is the company you work or are interviewing for does. What are they selling? Why are they selling it? Who are their customers? What external factors affect this business? Also, take time to set written, measurable, and obtainable goals for yourself. Make sure you execute on those goals. You would be surprised how many people in the workplace expect others to set goals for them.

How did the Argyros MBA program put you in a position to advance your career?

It helped me see things from the point of view from a leadership perspective. Prior to getting my MBA, I wasn’t in a leadership role. Getting my MBA at Chapman opened my eyes to what strategic management is and how it can give you an advantage in the workplace. The coursework at Chapman has helped me prioritize and identify the differences between what is important at work and what is just noise.