Name: Debra Nash

Degree: Master of Science in Accounting

Position: Senior Accountant

Company: GreenFruit Avocados

What does mother’s day mean for you? 

To me, Mother’s Day means taking a day to focus on being a mother. I feel mothers get so caught up with the day-to-day that it is nice to have one day that we can take a step back and appreciate all that mothers do.

What made you choose Chapman for your graduate degree? 

I valued the prestigious nature of Chapman, its reputation for quality programs, and the tight-knit community it offered.

Do you feel well supported by your Chapman community? If so, how? 

There have been many times, especially during COVID when we were remote, that conflicts arose with scheduled zooms, office hours, or just video requirements. All of the professors I had were very open and approachable to help navigate these unprecedented times and ensure that I would succeed academically.

What excites you about the work that you do?

Working in accounting allows you to see all aspects of the business that other departments are not authorized to see. A lot of business decisions are made from the outputs of the accounting department, making it the backbone of the company.

Please share advice for other working moms who are furthering their education.

Just take it one step at a time. Sometimes it might be hard to find time to do everything that needs to be done that day, but never be afraid to ask for help and always make sure you take time to take care of yourself as well. In the end, you are an amazing role model for your children!