Meet Matthew Johnson, Class of 2022! Matthew graduated with a B.S. in Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing and a minor in Data Analytics. As a first-generation university student, Matthew embarked on his college journey at Chapman University with a sense of uncertainty. However, little did he know that his experience at Chapman would surpass all expectations, providing him with invaluable opportunities, introducing him to new perspectives and ideas, fostering lifelong friendships, and pushing him to grow personally and professionally.

Post-Grad Career Experience & The Argyros School’s Impact

Matthew currently holds the position of Brand Marketing Specialist at Red Bull, the world’s largest energy drink company renowned for its innovative marketing strategies, involvement in extreme sports, and cultural impact. In his role, Matthew oversees and supports Red Bull’s brand marketing and events in Orange County and San Diego. Additionally, he contributes to national and global marketing efforts by developing marketing strategies, campaigns, and managing teams. Matthew’s fascination with marketing and its ability to create meaningful connections was ignited at a young age, particularly by brands like Red Bull, Nike, and Apple. This drove him to seek opportunities to understand and learn from their innovative approaches.

The Argyros School of Business and Economics played a vital role in preparing Matthew for his career post-graduation. The university’s flexible curriculum allowed him to tailor his course load to align with his specific career goals and interests. Moreover, the dedicated professors at Chapman instilled in him a passion for thinking differently, working diligently, and embracing a strong work ethic, laying the groundwork for his future success.

Matthew’s Chapman Experience


Matthew’s favorite class at Chapman University was Jon Humphreys‘s 3D Printing class. This course provided him with access to exceptional resources, fostered new skills, and encouraged creative thinking. Learning from Professor Humphreys and utilizing cutting-edge technology to solve real-world problems and make a positive impact on the community proved to be immensely fulfilling. One standout memory was the opportunity to 3D print a custom Ironman costume for an elementary student in need during Halloween, showcasing the transformative power of technology and compassion.


Throughout his time at Chapman, Matthew encountered several influential professors who left a lasting impact on his personal and professional development. Professor Jon Humphreys emerged as the most influential, teaching him three different classes and imparting invaluable skills that have shaped his character and professional trajectory. Professor Humphreys’ emphasis on curiosity, hard work, and making a positive impact on others continues to guide Matthew’s career. Dr. Veselina Vracheva was another influential professor, providing him with a deeper understanding of how various elements within a successful business function harmoniously. Additionally, Dr. Chelsea Parlett‘s CPSC 392 Data Science class challenged Matthew and proved to be one of his most rewarding and enlightening academic experiences. Professor Parlett’s support and kindness allowed him to grasp complex concepts and expand his knowledge.

Advice to Argyros Students & Recent Graduates

Reflecting on his journey, Matthew offers valuable advice to students and recent graduates looking to pursue a similar path:

  1. Fail forward! Don’t be afraid to mess up or take a chance on something, you never know what is on the other side or where you will end up if you keep trying.
  2. Don’t be afraid to work/gain experience in the field you want to pursue while in college, no matter how big or small. This will help you understand your field of interest better and apply the skills you are learning in the classroom.
  3. Make as many meaningful connections as you can with like-minded individuals, professors, and business professionals when possible. You never know where they will lead you.
  4. Work hard and don’t settle, if you are passionate about something and put in the time and effort the opportunities will come.


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