Meet Thomas Greco! Thomas graduated from Chapman with a B.S. in Business Administration with a Management emphasis. He is currently working as an intern for the Honorable Congresswoman Nikki Budzinski at the United States House of Representatives in Washington D.C. He fondly remembers his time at Chapman and says that his undergraduate experience helped shape and guide him toward professional success and growth.

Thomas’s Chapman Experience

As a Chapman undergraduate student, Thomas got involved on-campus in clubs that aligned with his passion for politics, social justice, and the law. He was a part of the Executive Board for the Chapman Democrats Club as the Director of Social Media and LGBTQIA+ representation. In this position, he organized several fundraising opportunities and collaborated with other social justice clubs such as the Black Student Union, Chapman Feminists, and Mission Environment in pursuit of just causes. Thomas was also the founding Vice President of External Operations for the new Legal Underground club on campus, a Professional development club for those interested in going to Law School.

In the classroom, Thomas was also greatly inspired by Dr. Tom Campbell’s teachings which propelled him to further his critical thinking skills and delve into the essential functions of the three branches of Government in the United States: the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branch. “Professor Campbell’s seminar-style class was eye-opening. It stimulated thought-provoking discourse regarding critical aspects of United States Public Policy, which I found astonishing and highly inspiring.” Thomas also acquired significant Management skills from his MGSC 300 class – during which he learned important skills from the Sodexo-Starbucks enhancement group project. Another greatly influential professor to Thomas is Professor Jason Ryan. Professor Ryan teaches one of Thomas’s favorite classes – Business Negotiations. He is also grateful for the guidance he received from his mentor Sasha Seagull – a third-year student in Chapman’s Fowler School of Law.

Thomas’s Career Journey

“It is a dream come true to intern at the center of the United States political scene,” says Thomas. As an Intern at the United States Congress Thomas has the opportunity to attend hearings and committees Congresswoman Budzinski is a part of, hear directly from the Congresswoman’s constituents, and experience firsthand the American legislative process. Thomas has been passionate about public service from a young age. “Growing up in São Paulo, Brazil, I was always immersed in political discourse, as Brazil has a turbulent political atmosphere fueled by multiple corruption scandals. This fostered my desire to fight for a more just and equal society and use my voice to represent those around me in my community,” says Greco. During high school, Thomas channeled this passion into leading several initiatives including FALA (Friendship and Language Acquisition), which provides free English teaching lessons for the underprivileged during the weekends. Experiences such as these, and the incredible preparation Thomas received as a Chapman student, helped him secure this internship with Congresswoman Budzinski. He says, “I want to serve The United States Congress someday, represent those in marginalized and underrepresented communities, and promote equality through legislation. This Internship is the best way to get started and understand a career I am passionate about.”

Thomas’s Advice to Argyros Students

“My advice for students is to take advantage of their professors and foster meaningful connections, as their mentorship and experiences can be very inspiring and illuminating. I highly recommend getting involved with clubs on campus. This is a great way to explore and share your interests with other students. I found passion in engaging with the Chapman community and those around me to fight for positive change.”

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