The Board of Directors of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) has voted to extend accreditation of Chapman’s Argyros School of Business and Economics for the maximum 5 years. AACSB accredited business schools represent the top 5% in the world. The team of business school deans leading the review process commended the Argyros School for its dramatic increase in academic research – more than doubling publications in academic journals since 2016. The team also commended the rapid rise in national rankings.

“I was especially pleased that the accrediting team noted the great opportunities for students that we provide for through the Janes Financial Center, Launch Labs, and Schmid Center for International Business, as well as our active engagement with the business community,” said Dean Thomas A. Turk, Ph.D.

The re-accreditation report also singled out the new strategic plan for commendation. The newly ratified plan includes five initiatives: Accelerating Gains in National Recognition, Launching an M.S. in Real Estate, Building a World-Renowned Behavioral Finance Faculty, Continuously Improving Academic Programs, and providing Unparalleled Personalized Education.

“On behalf of the faculty and staff of the Argyros School, I would like to thank the work of the AACSB Peer Review Team for their effort, advice and vote of confidence in the educational opportunities we provide and the progress we have made,” said Dean Turk.

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