The Argyros School celebrates sophomore Zoe Zurasky this National Student Athlete Day. Learn more about Economics major Zoe and how she navigates life at Chapman while also on the women’s basketball and track team.

Could you tell me about yourself, what sport you play, and how you started out?

My name is Zoe Zurasky and I play for the women’s basketball team and am on the track team here at Chapman. I came to Chapman with the intention of playing basketball and found an added bonus of being asked to be on the track team once our basketball season ended.

How did you end up at Chapman University Argyros School of Business and Economics?

I started out at Gonzaga University, but didn’t like the atmosphere there so I took a gap year during COVID to decide on where to go and luckily ended up at Chapman. I’m an economics major and chose that because of how versatile it is. Plus, I’m pretty math oriented and thought economics would be interesting.

What is your favorite part of being a student athlete?

I love that I get to keep doing what I love while I go to college. I’ve met some amazing people on both teams [basketball and track] and love that I get the opportunity to be around people in similar situations as I am (being that we’re all student athletes). It also gives me something to do and forces me to be more productive with the time I do have outside of sports.

What advice would you offer to students wanting to play at the collegiate level?

If you’re passionate about it, go for it! Only do it if you love the sport because it’s a huge time commitment and can definitely take a toll on you if it’s not something you’re serious about. With that said, being a college student-athlete is a worthwhile experience and presents countless opportunities to make new friends and memories along the way.

What accomplishment are you most proud of so far and/or what goal are you working toward in the next five to ten years?

Accomplishments: I won state in the 200m my senior year (of high school) and my senior year my basketball team won league for the first time in 15 years. Also, I most recently helped set the school record for the 4x100m relay on April 2, 2022.

Goals: At the moment, I don’t have any long term goals as I’m really just trying to live in the moment, be happy, surround myself with people I care about, and get/maintain a job I enjoy.

What other hobbies do you have outside of sports?

I love going to the beach with friends, thrifting, and doing puzzles!

Is there a coach or athlete you look up to as a role model and why?

Our fifth-year senior Brittney McPherson on the basketball team is definitely someone I look up to as a role model. She leads by example and picks the team up when we’re down. She has a very calming influence on everyone and is the best kind of person/teammate to be around.

Any parting thoughts you would like to share with us?

Enjoy your time at Chapman because it’s the best few years! Thanks!