This blog regularly profiles students at the Argyros School of Business and Economics. This week, we talk to Onur Saltturk, an MBA student from Istanbul, Turkey.

Onur Saltturk, Chapman MBA Student

Onur Saltturk, Chapman MBA Student

Graduating Year:
May 2013

Program here at the Argyros School of Business and Economics (ASBE):
Full time MBA

Istanbul, Turkey

Undergraduate Degree:
International Business & Economics

Undergraduate Institution:
Martin Luther Universitat, Germany

Undergraduate Graduation Year:
February 2011

Work Experience (Years and Description):
2 years – Medical Consulting Background (Germany)

Are you involved in any Chapman Activities/ Organizations (i.e., MBA Association)? If so, please describe your involvement?
I am the president of the Turkish Student Association (TSA) at Chapman University. The mission of the organization is to present and promote the Turkish culture, language, history and lifestyle to all students, faculty, and staff at Chapman University and the surrounding community at large. TSA intends to promote better relations, foster friendship, and increase integrity between the people of the United States of America and the people of Turkey while engaging in cultural, charitable, and educational discussions, seminars, campaigns, and special events for the Chapman Family and surrounding community.

Tell us about any internships you’ve had while pursuing your MBA? What fields?
I worked at the Center for Global Education on campus. Center for Global Education is responsible for all the international students as well as all the international travel courses and internships at Chapman University. It is by far one of the busiest departments on campus, with international students coming to Chapman having doubled in 2012.  Also, more American students than any previous generation in American history are going abroad for travel courses and internships.

I also volunteered at the Orange County Juvenile Court system because I understand that it is important to give back to the community, especially children at risk who can very easily slip through the cracks in social programs that are in place to protect and provide for them.

What do you do for fun? What are Your Hobbies (On Campus, Off Campus):
I like playing chess and play quite a bit online. On campus, I go to the gym pretty often and try to keep a healthy body.

Why did you choose the Argyros School of Business and Economics (ASBE)?
I had many American professors back in Germany where I got my undergraduate degree. My professors, having seen my interest in different cultures and international business, encouraged me to pursue an MBA education in the US. I received several acceptances with competitive scholarships from schools across the nation but what made me decide to come to Chapman University over other schools was its close proximity to business centers in LA, Orange County, San Diego and Las Vegas, its flexibility in terms of electives that are being offered (Entrepreneurship, International Business, Finance, etc.), and its unlimited support and opportunities for students to make a difference in the community through Student and Campus Life.

Favorite business course so far and why?
BUS612 Strategic Management by Candace Ybarra. This capstone course brings and binds together all business disciplines (accounting, finance, management, operations, etc.) together and teaches students how they can manage and lead a business in a comprehensive fashion, taking into account all aspects of business management all at once.

What are your favorite parts of the MBA experience so far and why?
My favorite part of the MBA experience has been the various classes I have taken that will help me lead the organization I will be working at. Thanks to the multiple classes I have taken in management, finance, operations, and marketing, I will be able to better analyze and manage the business.

Please discuss an activity you’ve been involved in (does not have to be MBA related) during your time as an MBA. Why is it important to you?
I periodically organize major events on campus for the Turkish community and friends with attendance from businessmen, politicians and leading community members. This creates a medium for the community to network and students to find internships or jobs. These events not only help to develop community relations but they also enhance the Chapman brand in public. I am also active in social justice organizations on campus that strive to foster equality, understanding and tolerance on and off campus.

What are your career goals and plans after ASBE?
I would like to work at an international company where the major focus is international business with multiple countries and cultures.

Favorite OC Restaurants:

Favorite OC Spots:
Chapman Coffee House