2 posts tagged

Ceo club


Student Spotlight: Arshak Karakhanian ’25 "No matter how studious or career-oriented you are, the best memories always come from the people you are around."

September 24, 2024 by | Students

Arshak Karakhanian, a Business Administration major with an emphasis in Entrepreneurship and a minor in Mathematics, is set to graduate in Spring 2025. Throughout his time at Chapman University, Arshak has experienced both academic and personal growth, making his college journey a memorable one. Academic Excellence and Faculty Impact For Arshak, the academic environment at

Student Spotlight: Marcelo De La Maza Mendizabal’ 24 "Start early and network with everyone. Find a mentor, make older friends, and always be a good listener. Employers want to see passion and a go-getter attitude."

September 10, 2024 by | Students

Marcelo De La Maza, a dual major in Public Relations and Advertising and Business Administration, is set to graduate from Chapman University in Fall 2024. Originally from São Paulo, Brazil, Marcelo’s journey at Chapman began a bit later than planned, but he made every moment count. Starting in Spring 2021, he stepped onto a quiet

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