I have two words to describe this info session: Empowering and Authentic. Without even stepping into David&Goliath (D&G) agency, all it took was listening to the Founder and chairmanDavid Angelo, to have a glimpse of what sets this company apart and why they continue to break records. It was a unique experience seeing the passion with which Angelo spoke, and how he kept echoing the agency’s goal to help inspire people and challenge brands to embrace and unleash their true potential. 

I decided to create something very different. An agency that would inspire me to live my truth of who I am and the challenges that I went through – in hopes that it would inspire people and brands to bravely take on their Goliath and step into their true potential. The key to our success is embracing where we’re from and going all-in with that. It is about being true to who you are and, ultimately, aligning your values with the values of those consumers, Angelo shared.  D&G’s authentic passion and culture, championed by Angelo, shone through the entire event. 

Since its establishment in 1999, the integrated creative advertising agency has partnered with challenger brands like HBO, KIA, Jack in the Box, Universal Parks & Resorts, and so many more! What was interesting to note was how every initiative ever embarked on was culture-driven and the strong mindset to never back down. The reality that there’s a team out there collectively deciding and working to create a massive impact and sustainability was inspiring! 

Angelo explained that the agency thrives on its one-word philosophy: Brave. It was interesting to see how D&G has expanded the term to encompass the company’s cultural values and their commitment to transform communities. They are actively working towards amplifying the voices of minority groups, challenging what a brand can accomplish by shifting the perception of advertising, inspiring social responsibility, and empowering next-generation leaders. All of this is influenced by a powerful purpose that is innovative, integrating and inspires the courage to embrace who you are and live it every day.  

David Angelo encouraged participants to be confident in the face of setbacks and develop a mindset that to confront challenges head-on: 

“Your greatest opportunity is to transform yourself from challenges you encounter. You can either run from challenges or you can see them for what they really are and that is an opportunity to unlock your courage and unlock your wisdom. What I call the voice of brave is what you have within that believes in the possible and understands that it’s going to require work and effort to bring your dreams to life.” 

D&G Social Responsibility Projects

“Bravery is more than a mindset. It is a force that is within everyone and when we unlock it, we can take on challenges that are seemingly insurmountable.” – D&G

D&G is more than a company of advertising professionals. They have successfully forged an integration between their corporate social responsibility and their mission. Their fundraising efforts and charitable donations are a great testament to their hope for creating stronger communities where people are inspired to step into their potential. These have manifested in many ways, including:

  • Changed lives of children devastated by the Ebola crisis in Kenya
  • Organized a speaker series to support homeless youth
  • Built roofs in Puerto Rico for families affected by the hurricane
  • Created the Brave Library to inspire Sierra Leonean youth to learn and give back to their communities

There was also an insightful Q&A session about how to navigate and establish oneself in the advertising industry. You can watch all of this in the recording. 

Here are some highlights of David Angelo’s answers to students. Enjoy these gems and keep them in mind as you explore different career opportunities! 

  • Find a mentor you believe you can learn from. It will give you the chance to be coached by people who have worked in a specific industry for a while, and they will share with you the experiences they’ve gained over the years. 
  • Align your values with the values of the company that you work for. Once you’re part of a team, it becomes a collective movement, and it is relevant to understand how your role contributes to the overall mission. 
  • Don’t ever give up. For instance, with KIA Motors, there were so many times when they could have just folded or packed it up, but they refused to give up and they’re now one of the fastest-growing car brands in America.  
  • No matter what, it is our mission at D&G to empower you to be the change that the world needs and the next generation of leaders. That’s why this year we’re focusing on three pillar initiatives – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), health and wellness, and education. To not only develop your career trajectory but also keep you on a path towards living a braver life.

Opportunities at D&G 

  • Check D&G’s jobs page >>
  • Apply directly and/or on Handshake >>

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Missed the live info session?

Watch the event recording here on-demand

Watch the event recording on-demand here.