Hello everyone!!! Long time no see huh. How are we dooooing? How is life going for you right now? Are you getting used to this weather yet? ARE YOU READY FOR THE SPRING SEMESTER? 

Welcome back everybody from your hopefully lovely and relaxing holiday break. I also want to give a special welcome to the incoming 2023 class for making it through their first semester and of course all of the seniors who will be graduating soon (wooooohoooooooo)!!!!!

Lets Dance! Lets Sing!! Lets Celebrate!!! Lets get involved on campus?????


Uuuhhh, is it just me or why did it get so quiet in here. I know we just came from our holiday break, dancing, singing, and celebrating but trust me when I say getting involved in campus is one of the best things you can do during your time here.

Getting involved on Campus can look very different depending on your interests and passions. It is also completely up to you how much or how little you want to get involved with campus.You can start small like me with one job and slowly ramp up or start off doing everything and realizing it’s probably too much and slowly taper off. Now with all that being said, no matter what path you decide to walk during Chapman, you can start the second you arrive on campus, or any time after!!!

Now what are the actually benefits of Getting Involved on Campus 

For this to work and to be an engaging experience, (that’s right, I care about your reading experience and well being) I will break down the benefits of getting involved via the breathtaking, newly invented, and specialized just for you  …



Staring your host CARSON LeSaaaaaaaaaage (It’s just me BTW hehe)

Welcome continuing Chapman students and of course a huge, special welcome to incoming 2023 class!!!!!! You guys are going to be our lovely contestants so do your best to try and decide if the following statements are REALLY REAL or FALSELY FALSE. Since this is newly invented lets start off with an easy one, I am quite literally throwing you a bone here. Alright here we go!!!


A Chapman student must have a long list of previous extracurricular activities, experiences and skills to get involved on Campus.The Answer is absolutely FALSELY FALSE!!

 Chapman has so many great opportunities for students ranging from clubs, Greek life, and on campus employment. These opportunities don’t need a long list of previous experiences but instead an interest and passion to participate. Go ahead and check out the Involvement fair in the Piazza, you will be able to explore and find out what areas of Chapman you may want to get involved with! Our wonderful Career Office will also have a table so please come by and say hi!

(PS: This is regular Carson speaking not the host, I came to Chapman with quite literally no work experience and started working on campus my first semester. From there opportunities start to snowball and grow in size until your resume starts looking amazing. Besides the lovely resume that you will accumulate, the people and soon to be friends you will meet will always be worth it! Chapman does a really good job of encouraging this snowball effect among opportunities.)

Is that REALLY REAL or is it FALSELY FALSE!!!  

Experiences gained from clubs, greek life or other non employment type experiences on campus translate extremely well on a resume, can be a vital part in developing your career journey, and set you up for success when it comes to future opportunities.

The answer can’t be anything else but REALLY REAL!!!               

Any experience is a good experience and all experience gained through Chapman is super duper spectacular. Not to mention, any leadership role through clubs or Greek life looks really good on a resume. These experiences could also be a great time to learn what you like and what you don’t like. So to just make it make sense, getting involved in campus can truly help set you up for success not only for your career goals during Chapman but after as well! 

Ok the laaaaaast… Is that REALLY REAL or is it FALSELY FALSE!!!

More often than not getting involved in campus via a club, research or Greek life, will snowball into other career opportunities on campus and off.

The final answer to the final question is REALLY REAL!!!!

I can speak for this first handhand (regular me talking again). IT’S ALL ABOUT THAT NETWORKING! I started with one job here on campus and that lead me to meeting the career staff and eventually the Peer Advisor position, and then I met friends who were in the Kappa Alpha Pi and decided to join that, and within there I found friends who wanted to be ambassadors for Chapman and I decided to do that as well, and CPR training for the Career Office sparked my EMT career, well do you see what I’m saying hahahah!!! Chapman’s does a great job of building a close knit community where snowballing opportunities are abundant. None of the things I am currently involved with now wouldn’t be possible if I didn’t take that first step of getting involved with my first job. OHHH that’s why there is this so-called snowball effect at Chapman (That’s what you just said in your mind huh).


Thank you so much for playing along and I hope you not only learned something about getting involved in campus but that you also had a fun time. Welcome back everyone once again and let’s get ready to dance all of the Spring Semester. The Career Center and I will see you at the Involvement Fair so please stop by and say hi. Come learn about all of the resources we have to offer and how we can help you along your career journey!