As Career Peer Advisors we love to connect with you, our fellow classmates and help you along your career journey. Don’t believe me, take a lil peek at this snippet of our VISION STATEMENT:

“Empower Panthers to navigate a meaningful and productive transition from the classroom to their career journeys and beyond”

Sniffle…sniffle…sniffle.  Crying noise… crying noise… crying noise. Sheesh is someone going to get this lone Peer Advisor a tissue (Probably what you are thinking hmmmm). But before you even finish your next sentence I step in and say No… pause for dramatic effect… These are tears of joy, not despair.

We as Peer Advisors train in the way of resumes and cover letters, climb the hill tops of interviews and bathe in the job searching hot springs.

We go through rigorous and grueling (its actually not that bad) training so that we can give you the best career advice there is. To not only give advice but to educate and shed light on career tips and tricks. To be a resource available to you for your time here at Chapman and after you graduate as well.

Now you may be thinking how does one find themselves meeting with and connecting with one of these well trained Peer Advisors? Lucky for you, there are many ways for you to do just that!


Some of you guys would be too young to know this but Peer Advisors used to have 1 on 1 appointments. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!! I know I know it’s crazy to believe but it’s true. They are BACK!!! Times are changing, and I would like to say, for the better! SO, what are these so-called appointments that the Peer Advisors are so happy to have back? Well just like a resume I will explain it to you via bullet points cause that’s just what we do!

  • Schedule a 30 minute block of time
  • 1 on 1 with one of the Peer Advisors 
  • Get handouts and other career resources 
  • When booking the appointment, you can write a small description of what exactly you want help with so we can be prepared for the appointment ahead of time
  • A great tool to get more in depth career help and allows ample time to answer all of your questions
  • They can also be made to be virtual or in-person

How to book an appointment on Handshake:

  1. Sign on to with your Chapman credentials 
  2. On the left hand side, click  “Career Center”
  3. Then click “Appointments”
  4. After clicking “Schedule a New Appointment”, choose the category that is most applicable to you
  5. Select the relevant appointment type

Select the date and time combination that works for you, then enter the appointment medium (face-to-face, virtual, etc.) and a brief description of the purpose of the meeting. Once you have verified that all information is correct, click Request 


In contrast to our appointments, drop-ins are the shorter, more bite size version of appointments. They are 15 mins and are used to get the ball rolling. To go over the basics and ask a couple of questions. These are really good for when you are working on your resume and have a couple of quick questions or you want to get a brief overview of the resources the Career Center has to offer. You can come any time during the drop in window for help (Schedule is at the end)!

You can also take a quick look at my first blog “The Drop-in Experience” for more details on what the drop in experience is really like.

Read more here »

peer advisor carson is helping student with resume during drop-in hours








Normally drop ins are in person but lucky for you we are now also doing VIRTUAL DROP-INS! Yes we are, I know I know it’s crazy but we just really want to meet with you so we are covering all of our bases. They are the exact same things as in person drop ins but virtual (The link is at the end)! 

The peer advisors are all trained in the way of Career and are more than ready to help you along your career journey. So come and stop by the little green house with big career dreams!

Career House Drop-In Hour Schedule

In-person and virtual

Spring 2024

Tuesday and Wednesday, 2 — 4 p.m.

(last check-in time is 3:50 p.m.)

Regular hours January 29 — May 17.

In-Person Drop-Ins: Come visit us at the Career House!

*Virtual Drop-Ins Zoom link: (Meeting ID: 989 5165 4936)

*Please note that you will be required to sign into Zoom with your Chapman SSO account login to access the virtual room. Virtual drop-ins are admitted on a first come, first serve basis, one at a time from the waiting room.

Exceptions and changes to the regular schedule are announced in the weekly Career Connection student e-newsletter.

Updated January 26, 2024.