For Alumni

First Time at the Career Fair?

February 21, 2025 by Charlot Born | For Students

When I first heard about the career fair, my initial reaction was “why should I go if I’m only a freshman? I’m not looking for a full-time job yet”.  I didn’t know what to expect. The whole experience seemed daunting. It was incredibly scary to imagine myself talking to potential employers. Plus, I had no


Panther Photo booth

February 21, 2025 by Charlot Born | For Students

Introduction:   Have you walked into Beckman Hall recently and wondered what that gigantic new box is!? Well thanks to the Student Government Association (SGA) and the Argyros College of Business and Economics, it is Chapman’s new Panther Photo Booth! The Photo Booth provides free, high-quality headshots that are essential to building a professional brand


March HERstory Month 2022

March 7, 2022 by Ivy Magruder '23, Emma Floyd '22, Catthy Ha '22 and Angel Prajoga '22 | For Students

Beginning in 1987, March has been dedicated to commemorating the accomplishments and success of women in all areas of life. It is a special time to celebrate the contributions they have made in culture and society. For this year’s Women’s History Month, our very own Peer Career Advisors have come to share their stories. From


What Recruiters Look for in a Candidate

September 16, 2021 by Ivy Magruder '23 and Kelly Ma '22 | For Students

Although every industry, every company and every recruiter looks for different qualities in each candidate, there are some general qualities that should be present in each candidate’s application. To help you with this, we’ve created an application checklist to help you blow recruiters away and stand out during the application process! ✔ Proper punctuation and


Why Thank You Notes Matter

May 6, 2021 by Kelly Ma '22 and Ivy Magruder '23 | For Students

Thank you notes- we’ve all heard of them and may have sent out a few ourselves after receiving a gift. Well, have you ever wondered why you do so? Is it because you are grateful and want to express your gratitude to the gift giver? It is because it’s what everyone else does or because


Occupational Wellness: Returning to Work

April 23, 2021 by | For Alumni

After over a year working remotely during a global health crisis, many are now feeling a sigh of relief as recovery peeks over the horizon.  As vaccines become increasingly available, we’re seeing a reduction in restrictions for communities and organizations and a slow shift back to ‘normalcy.’    While the recovery has sparked positive excitement, it has also unsurfaced renewed workplace and personal anxieties associated with facing yet another era of change.  Dare we say, the “new-new-normal.” At the top of every company and professional’s mind are when/if/hows of returning to


Career Connections: Students and Employers Find Each other at the Career Fair

March 15, 2021 by | For Students

Paws up moment! After months of engaging with employers and working towards creating an active and accessible virtual event environment, Chapman’s largest recruiting event of the year, the Spring Career Fair, came to life on March 3.   With over 1,000 unique employer-candidate interactions, the fair was a tremendous success in its mission to connect student and alumni job seekers with professionals, internships, and full-time opportunities.   Students prepared for the event through prep sessions


So You Thought You were Prepared?

February 26, 2021 by Ivy Magruder and Kelly Ma | For Students

It’s that time again! Our biggest recruiting event of the YEAR, the virtual career fair, is back for another semester and we are here to help you navigate the process once again. We have observed what made our last career fair a big success and are back with even more tips and tricks. We believe


Thriving at Golden State Foods 

December 7, 2020 by | For Students

If you aspire to work in the food industry or are looking for opportunities in food science, biology, distribution, or business management, Orange County’s prominent Golden State Foods (GSF) is a company you want to know! GSF is one of the largest diversified suppliers to the retail industries and Quick Service Restaurants like Chipotle and Denny’s! With its headquarters located right here in California,


Thriving at Experian

December 7, 2020 by | For Students

While some say a company can’t have it all, Experian’s successful track record will make you think otherwise! The OC giant is breaking barriers in the world of innovation by investing in new technologies and helping organizations around the world manage credit risk, collect and leverage big data, make informed business decisions, and deliver extraordinary customized experiences to customers. How cool will it be to be part of a team

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