15 posts categorized in



Cannes in Hindsight A Love Letter to Memories with Friends

April 2, 2024 by Genevieve Zix | Uncategorized

Though I’d been wanting to study abroad since high school, it didn’t mean much to me when, in my first meeting with the Center for Global Education, they described the opportunity as a “once-in-a-lifetime experience”. I’d become jaded to such a phrase, which when used wouldn’t usually hold up to its literal meaning (in my

London. A city of possibility.

March 28, 2024 by | education abroad

A semester abroad in London was one of the best decisions I had ever made within my life. Exposing myself to a way of living that I never knew existed was a double-edged sword, knowing the endless possibilities but already having to say goodbye after only 3 months. Within my experience I had the opportunity

Chapman Increases Global Education Rankings Trends in education abroad destinations and student profile

November 23, 2020 by | Uncategorized

The 2020 Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange, released November 16 by the Institute of International Education (IIE), provides a critical baseline on the state of international educational exchange prior to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report highlights that during the 2018/2019 academic year, 347,099 U.S. students studied abroad for academic credit,

Increase Your Intercultural Fluency During COVID 12 practical ways to increase this researched "career readiness" competency

November 13, 2020 by | education abroad

Intercultural fluency is the knowledge of and communication between people from different cultures. The National Association for Colleges and Employers (NACE) has defined “career readiness” competencies that employers value, including intercultural fluency, because they prepare college graduates for a successful transition into the workplace. Global education experiences, including semesters abroad, faculty-led Travel Courses, and international

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