In the Third Year, 2006
Oil on canvas
95.5 x 66 in
Purchased: Acquisition funds, 2007

American-born abstract painter Sean Brackin lives and works in Sydney, Australia. The artist uses oil paint to create colorful, freely drawn shapes that form layers on his canvases.  Born in Rock Springs, Wyoming, Brackin attended the Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland, Oregon where he earned his undergraduate degree. Brackin then went to graduate school for his Master of Fine Arts at Claremont University in Claremont, California.

Interested in time and space travel, the artist has written a book titled “How to Make a Time and Space Travel Device for the Unification of Humanity.” The cover of this book uses In the Third Year, a painting on display at Chapman University, as the cover photograph. Speaking about the connection between painting and the universe, Brackin stated, “I use color to create shapes from freehand lines left behind in a dance to picture life and thought as energy, a point in our universe to be discovered and explored.”

The Escalette Collection of Art at Chapman University has three of Brackin’s works; while different colors and sizes, all three of these works depict Brackin’s expressive, bold style.


piece of artwork

#28, 2005
Oil on canvas
Gift: Armen Karamardian, 2010


For more information on artist:

  1. Brackin’s Online Store of publications
  2. Artist’s Website
  3. Article about the artist ( in Spanish)


All text and images under copyright. Please contact for permission to use. Information subject to change upon further research.

Text revised 07-05-2014