piece of artwork

, 2006

Acrylic on wood

Gift: Artist, 2011

(Western Projects)


Op artist YEK uses atmospheric abstraction to reach a new level of perspective. Constructing his distinctive style using airbrushed, concave canvases, YEK’s work envelops the viewer and generates a tranquil experience. Playing with color and light, many of the artist’s pieces gradually fade from one luminosity to another using reverse contrast. Sinuous lines that move throughout these optical illusions lead the viewer’s eye through YEK’s work.

Reflecting on his paintings, the artist stated, “They are sensual and stir up feelings. They are not in your face. These are good paintings for mellowing out.”

Born in Singapore, Yek Wong made the decision to drop his last name to remove his ethnicity from his work. YEK attended high school in Australia then immigrated to the United States to pursue his art career. After moving to Las Vegas, YEK studied art at the University of Nevada and currently lives and works in Las Vegas.

Of the three YEK paintings owned by the Escalette Collection of Art at Chapman University, two were gifted to the Collection by the artist himself. Currently on display are the artist’s works Brisk and Novella #232.

piece of artwork

, 2000

Acrylic latex and enamel on panel

Gift: Private Donor



piece of artwork

Double Novella #232
, 2007

Acrylic on canvas

Gift: Artist 2011

(Western Projects)


All text and images under copyright. Please contact collections@chapman.edu for permission to use. Information subject to change upon further research.