piece of artwork

Warp and Weft II
, 2007

I color lithograph

Edition of 10, Gemini G.E.L.


Visual artist Ann Hamilton uses her background in textiles and sculpture to create large-scale, immersive installations.

Born in Lima, Ohio in 1956 Hamilton received her BFA in Textile Design at the University of Kansas in 1979 and her MFA in sculpture at the Yale School of Art in 1985. From 1985 to 1991 the artist taught at the University of California at Santa Barbara. Currently Hamilton is a professor of art at Ohio State University.  Dabbling in various forms of media, Hamilton’s repertoire includes installations, photographs, videos, performances, printmaking and objects. Since 1981, Hamilton has participated in over 60 solo and group exhibitions.  Throughout her career, the artist has been awarded many honors such as the prestigious MacArthur Fellowship.

Ann Hamilton’s photograph in the Escalette Collection of Art at Chapman University, Warp and Weft II, mixes the artist’s background in textiles with photography.

All text and images under copyright. Please contact collections@chapman.edu for permission to use. Information subject to change upon further research.

Text revised 12-05-2014