piece of artwork

Various African Movie Posters (Ghanaian

Oil on recycled grain sacks

Gift: Jay & Helen Lavely



These large movie posters, painted with acrylic on recycled grain sacks, are original African movie posters from Ghana.

In the 1980’s, the video camera was brought to Africa and homegrown movies became a popular business. Dramatic promotional posters were hand-painted to raise awareness about movie showings in makeshift, mobile cinemas. These traveling cinemas were simply equipped with a television and sometimes a generator to show movies in areas where there was not electricity. Moving from village to village, movies were introduced throughout western Africa.

Originally not intended to be objects of fine art, these posters were folded, rolled up and displayed outside, inheriting damages such as cracking and ripping.

The Escalette Collection at Chapman University was gifted over sixty of these unique posters from Jay and Helen Lavely and Mace Neufield, respectively.

piece of artwork

Various African Movie Posters (Ghanaian

Oil on recycled grain sacks

piece of artwork

Various African Movie Posters (Ghanaian

Oil on recycled grain sacks

piece of artwork

Various African Movie Posters (Ghanaian

Oil on recycled grain sacks

piece of artwork

Various African Movie Posters (Ghanaian

Oil on recycled grain sacks

piece of artwork

Various African Movie Posters (Ghanaian

Oil on recycled grain sacks

piece of artwork

Various African Movie Posters (Ghanaian

Oil on recycled grain sacks

piece of artwork

Various African Movie Posters (Ghanaian

Oil on recycled grain sacks

All text and images under copyright. Please contact collections@chapman.edu for permission to use. Information subject to change upon further research.