piece of artwork

Black/Green #3
, 1982

Acrylic on canvas

Gift: Artist



In 1993, I first experienced the magic of the Pantheon in Rome.
It was inspiring, AWEsome.
This experience has continued to impact everything I paint.

I’m trying to tap into something that is larger than me but includes me:
wholeness within wholeness. Pattern gets repeated in nature and creates
a connection…..a connection to all things; collective patterning.

In my most recent paintings, the Jazz Series, I’ve brought many
elements from my earlier work together: repetition of the same mark,
randomness and structure, the circle and patter.
-Edith Baumann*


Predating Baumann’s above epiphany,
Black/Green #3
is one of her aforementioned early works.  Inspired by Mondrian, it has a healthy affinity for repetition of rectangles. More important, however, is the repetition of pattern: it’s a defining characteristic of Baumann’s career and the core compositional element to her Bar Paintings.  Also of great import to Baumann is color: minimal and crisp, the colors in each painting are very intentional relationships.  Often, these colors are brought explicitly to the viewers’ attention through the title, as in
Black/Green #3

For more works, information, and videos visit these sites:

  1. * Edith Baumann Website
  2. Edith Baumann: Jazz Notes, ARTWEEK L.A. 
  3. 2010 Art Exhibit at Barrett Gallery in Santa Monica (video)
  4. Joan Quinn Interview of Edith Baumann (video)


All text and images under copyright. Please contact collections@chapman.edu for permission to use. Information subject to change upon further research.