piece of artwork

Mr. Mystic

Acrylic on canvas

Gift: Artist


Born in Oakland, California in 1927, artist Tony DeLap is a key pioneer in both the West Coast Minimalist and Op Art movements. Known for his illusionistic sculptures, DeLap has been a fixture in the Southern California art scene which he has helped shape.

From 1949 to 1950, DeLap attended the Claremont Graduate School and started working freelance as a color consultant, exhibition designer, interior designer and graphic designer. DeLap had his first exhibit at Gump’s Art Gallery in San Francisco in 1954 and continues to show his work in solo and group shows.

Since 1965, Tony DeLap has taught at the University of California at Irvine as an associate professor. Currently, the artist is living in Corona del Mar where he mentors local artists and continues his artistic pursuits.

Take a walk through Chapman¹s campus to view DeLalp’s sculptures that challenge the viewer’s perception of reality. Among the work in the Escalette Collection of Art at Chapman University are sculptural canvases and colossal exterior sculptures that transform the landscape of the University.

piece of artwork

Le Levateur
, 1998

Painted Steel

Sculpture Gift: Artist



piece of artwork

On Loan from the Artist


piece of artwork

The Levitation of the Enchanted Princess
, 2004

Painted Steel Sculpture

Gift: Artist


All text and images under copyright. Please contact collections@chapman.edu for permission to use. Information subject to change upon further research.