On Monday night we had the privilege of attending the community reading of original poetry written by an amazing group of Orange High School students as part of The Chapman University/Orange High School Literacies Partnership. We have been teaming up with this group throughout the year, participating in creative projects and tours of our collections, and so it was very special for us to see these courageous Orange High School students up at the podium reciting their work.

man speaking in front of an audience

OHS student Daniel Espiritu (Junior) reading his original poetry in Beckman Hall, Room 404


woman speaking in front of an audience

OHS student Nery Martinez (Sophomore) reading her original poetry in Beckman Hall, Room 404









The Chapman University/Orange High School Literacies Partnership’s John Fowles Center Young Writers’ Workshops began in 2011. The students have participated in a series of writing workshops conducted by graduate students in the MFA and MA programs in Chapman’s Department of English. The graduate students must have done an outstanding job because the reading last night was truly impressive.

tables with art

Student artwork on display at the community reading


people on a stage next to a scree

Proud graduate students congratulating the students after the reading



Besides reading their poems to a crowd of teachers, friends, and family, the students also had their original artwork on display on several tables that had been set up throughout the room. This work was abstract art and poetry that they created recently in a workshop that we hosted as part of our ongoing collaboration with this great program. 

We were so thrilled to have been involved in just a small part of this project, and we look forward to more amazing projects with The Chapman University/Orange High School Literacies Partnership.


All text and images under copyright. Please contact collections@chapman.edu for permission to use. Information subject to change upon further research.