piece of artwork

Berlin, 2006
Acrylic on canvas
Gift of the artist, 2008


Southern California artist Hilary Baker lives and works in her hometown of Los Angeles. The artist’s work sits daringly along the line between abstraction and figuration; the abstract shapes found in Baker’s work resemble natural elements found in our modern world.

Baker received her Bachelor of Arts at University of California at Los Angeles and pursued her Master of Fine Arts at Otis Art Institute in Los Angeles.

Motifs of natural elements, such as rubble, blocks, stone and boulders, tie the artist’s work together.  Baker commented on this, stating that she found “intrinsic elegance” in everyday objects.

Baker’s painting in the Escalette Collection of Art titled, Berlin, was gifted to Chapman University by the artist in 2008.  Painted in 2006, this piece comes from Hilary Baker’s series titled “Masonry.”

For more information on artist:

  1. Hilary Baker’s Website

All text and images under copyright. Please contact collections@chapman.edu for permission to use. Information subject to change upon further research.

Text revised 07-05-2014