It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.
– Henry David Thoreau

Museum visitors spend an average of 15 to 30 seconds looking at a work of art. Slow Art Day is a global event dedicated to lengthening this amount of time. Spending more time with a work of art results in new discoveries, new observations, and ideally, a new understanding of art.

We are proud to be participating in Slow Art Day this year, and we encourage everyone to spend five minutes or more with one artwork on campus. Though the official date of Slow Art Day is April 9th, we will be celebrating all next week.

Chapman Art Collections is hosting an Instagram contest in which students can enter for a chance to win a Collections t-shirt:

  • Simply snap a selfie with an artwork, and caption it with how long you looked at it and any observations or revelations
  • Pieces can be from Chapman’s on-campus sculptures, the Escalette Collection of Art (Beckman Hall, Moulton Hall, or Argyros Forum) or the Hilbert Museum of California Art
  • Lastly, tag your photo with #CUSlowArtDay and @ChapmanCollections
  • Contest ends on April 9th, 2016 at 11:59 P.M.


Featured Image: Albert Contreras, Untitled 12 Panels, 2010. Acrylic, Ink, and Glitter on Panels, each 20″ x 24″. Gift of the Artist, 2010. Currently on view in Beckman Hall, 4th floor.