Selection of bowls made by Professor Dave Kiddie. Four lucky winners will receive one with their tote bag.

Happy people eating out of fabulous handmade bowls!

The Chapman Art Collections in combination with the Art Department Ideation Lab and students in Philosophy Professor Daniel Pilchman’s Food Ethics class have collaborated to create canvas tote bags for Chapman’s growing Food Pantry. The tote giveaway will take place on Wednesday, May 10th from noon-1pm in the Attallah Plaza. In addition, four lucky people will win a beautiful handmade ceramic bowl created by David Kiddie of Chapman’s Art Department.

In 2016, a far-reaching study of food insecurity on U.S. campuses found that one in five students across the nation experienced food insecurity or the lack of reliable access to affordable, nutritious food. The growing role of the food pantry was recently addressed in a Chapman blogpost in March 2017.

Chapman University is attempting to assuage some of this burden by expanding their Food Pantry in order to help students in need. The Food Pantry is essential in helping students find nutrition, and the tote giveaway will help more students become aware of this resource. No student should be forced to choose between eating a meal and buying a textbook, yet this is a dilemma faced by many students around the country.

Join us in the Attallah Plaza to help promote the Food Pantry with a free tote and chance to win a ceramic bowl!

This project is funded by an anonymous donation to Wilkinson College’s Disruptions Project.