Are you in need of entertainment at home while practicing social distancing? Wilkinson College and the Escalette Collection of Art are here to help! Click on the links below to explore our current and some of our past exhibitions.

Creativity After Combat 

February 3 – August 21, 2020
Henley Galleria, Argyros Forum, Second Floor

This exhibition honors veterans, past and present, and explores the unique ability of visual art to capture aspects of the veteran experience. Creativity After Combat brings together work by well-known World War II veteran artist John Paul Jones, and prints created from the testimonies of veterans recently returned from conflicts around the world. This dialogue between past and present illustrates the capacity of art to reflect on, document, and express diverse experience.

Digital Exhibition Includes:

  • All artwork and labels on display including an exhibition layout map
  • Pictures from all exhibition-related events
  • Recording of lecture by Yvette M. Pino

Yvette M. Pino, In the Light You Will Find the Road, Intaglio print, 2012.
Purchased with funds from the Escalette Collection.


La Frontera/The Border: An Interdisciplinary Examination 

May 5 – November 17, 2019

Various locations on campus

During Fall 2019, Chapman University embarked on a campus-wide interrogation of border issues, particularly those surrounding the U.S.-Mexico border. Drawing from the humanities, social sciences, journalism, law, and visual and performing arts, courses examined borders through interdisciplinary perspectives. A number of public events also encouraged the campus and wider community to examine the controversial issues surrounding borders. Throughout the semester Chapman University Students, Staff, Faculty and visitors were invited to join a book club, tour the art exhibitions, attend lectures, and more. This project culminated in a conference from November 14th-16th that brought leading scholars, artists, and journalists to Chapman University, and offered space for student presentations. By engaging in multi-disciplinary examination of this topic, we hope our community came away better informed and prepared to be engaged global citizens.

Digital Exhibition Includes:

  • Artwork, extended labels, and catalogue text from all 4 art exhibitions including installation images and an exhibition layout
  • Pictures of almost all La Frontera/The Border- related events including video recordings of lectures
  • List of resources for migrants, undocumented individuals, and anyone wishing to help those communities

Tom Keifer, With Makeup, inkjet print, 2018.
Purchased with funds from the Escalette Endowment.


The Great Icon: Russian Icons in the Escalette Collection 

Born-digital exhibition, 2018

Icons currently on display on the 4th Floor of the Leatherby Libraries

Virtual exhibition – Explore Chapman University’s extraordinary collection of Russian Icons and learn more about the Russian icon tradition through a new, virtual exhibition created by Jessica Bocinski ’18 and Dr. Wendy Salmond. This website, powered by (a digital collections open source content management system), expands upon the icons’ current display on the fourth floor of the Leatherby Libraries. It was created with the goal of providing an easily accessible guide to understanding Russian icons and their enduring significance.

Unknown artist, St. Elijah (Ilya), c. 1850, oil on wood. Gift of Evelyn Lalanne. 2000.2.45.


Moving Forward, Looking Back: Journeys Along the Old Spanish Trail

February 1 – June 6, 2017

Henley Galleria, Argyros Forum, Second Floor

Moving Forward, Looking Back: Journeys Across the Old Spanish Trail is an artistic project combining photography, video, and sound by Spanish artist Janire Nájera who has explored the Spanish legacy along the Old Spanish Trail.

Virtual Exhibition – this site allows you to virtually walk the halls of the Henley Galleria. Along the way, you can click on individual pieces of art that you would like to view more closely.

Janire Nájera

Janire Nájera, Teodomino Fuentes Paloma, photograph printed on aluminum, 2014.
Gift of the artist.

The Escalette Collection will also be posting one artwork from the collection each day on Instagram and Facebook with the #museumfromhome tag. We hope that these efforts will make your transition home a little easier. All of us at the Escalette Collections wish you and your families well during this difficult time.


We invite you to explore all the works in the Escalette Collection by visiting our eMuseum.

Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences is the proud home of the Phyllis and Ross Escalette Permanent Collection of Art. The Escalette Collection exists to inspire critical thinking, foster interdisciplinary discovery, and strengthen bonds with the community. Beyond its role in curating art in public spaces, the Escalette is a learning laboratory that offers diverse opportunities for student and engagement and research, and involvement with the wider community. The collection is free and open to the public to view.