Chapman University is thrilled to present Ink on Paper: A Letterpress Showcase as a continuing exhibition from the OC Great Park Gallery in Irvine, CA earlier this summer. Rotating work from several artists in the show will be displayed July 30th 2021–May 23rd 2022 on the second floor of Argyros Forum on the main Chapman campus. This exhibition will give visitors unique insight into the art of letterpress through prints, processes, photography, and publications. Exhibiting artists include Ben Blount, Chris Chandler, Michelle and Angie Dreher, Jennifer Farrell, Jennifer Graves, Richard Kegler, Officina Tipografica Novepunti, Leslie Ross-Robertson, Mama’s Sauce, Studio on Fire, James Lewis Tucker, Mark Van Wageningen, Brad Vetter, Eileen Wallace, David Wolske, and a selection of excerpts from the book UPPERCASE PRINT/MAKER.

Jennifer Farrell, The City is My Religion (detail), letterpress print, 2017. On loan from the artist. Photograph by Bernie Dickson.

Rachelle W. Chuang from the Chapman Art Department curated the show to include many examples of how contemporary letterpress printers are using this historic medium in innovative ways that show creative concepts and techniques as well as exquisite craftsmanship with ink and paper. The year-long exhibition will also support several typography and graphic design classes though anyone who views the prints will enjoy them. Additional lectures, activities and letterpress printing opportunities are being planned as well.

Access the exhibition website here.

Schedule a tour of the exhibition here.

David Wolske, Anagram 2.1 (detail), relief letterpress from wood and metal type, 2021. On loan from the artist. Photograph by Bernie Dickson.