22 posts tagged

escallette permanent collection of art


Bauhaus In the Middle of the Street

October 19, 2015 by | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

German architect Walter Gropius opened the Bauhaus school in 1919 in Weimer, Germany. The Bauhaus served not only as a school for architects, but a site for re-imagining the material world through the unification of all the arts. The school combined crafts school, academy of the arts, and architecture school, providing workshops in cabinetmaking, textile making, metalworking,

Chapman’s curator team paints the campus with inspiration

July 2, 2015 by | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

One of Chapman’s signature attributes is our highly regarded artwork from world-renowned artists. Ever wonder about how these beautiful pieces got here — how they were selected, who installed them or other curator details? Chapman has our very own on-site curator, Natalie Lawler, assistant collections registrar and preparator, who manages, catalogs, installs and maintains the University’s fine art

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