39 posts categorized in

Student News


Chapman University Singers and Instrumental Students Hit the Road

January 10, 2013 by | CoPA News

If January seems a little quiet around Oliphant Hall, that’s because the Chapman University Singers have hit the road for their annual interterm tour to Northern California and Nevada high schools and music academies. But the good news is that that they’ll all be back for their traditional Post Tour Concert on Friday,

Chapman Singers Perform with Pacific Symphony

January 10, 2013 by | Music

On January 12, Pacific Symphony will present an abridged version of Mozart’s The Magic Flute  for their Family Series in which all of the roles will be performed by Chapman students and alumni, directed by Chapman’s director of operatic studies, Peter Atherton.  This 45-minute performance is ripe with original narration and dialogue designed to introduce children to the

Piano Students Win at the California Association of Professional Music Teachers Festival

November 27, 2012 by | CoPA News

Join us in congratulating three of our outstanding piano students for their recent accomplishments in the California Association of Professional Music Teachers festival events.  Arsen Jamkotchian (’15) was the winner of the 2012 CAPMT VIII Honors Auditions and will compete at the State Conference in Spring 2013. Linda Zhou (’15) was the alternate in the same category.  Evan

Busy Interterm 2013 for College of Performing Arts Students

October 29, 2012 by | CoPA News

  Students of the College of Performing Arts will be traveling the country as well as honing their skills on the Chapman campus in January 2013.  The New York Theatre Tour will allow theatre students to analyze the interconnectedness of local and global influences within the New York theatre community, as

Music Major Wins Percussive Arts Society Scholarship

September 5, 2012 by | CoPA News

Music major Jordan Curcuruto (’14) has recently been awarded a scholarship to attend the Percussive Arts Society International Convention, taking place this November in Texas.  The Percussive Arts Society awards only one scholarship for undergraduates in the state of California.  This award is among the highest and most prestigious that has gone to a

Orange County Youth Symphony Orchestra at Disney Hall

August 23, 2012 by | CoPA News

The Orange County Youth Symphony Orchestra (OCYSO), led by assistant professor of music and director of the Chapman Chamber Orchestra Daniel Alfred Wachs, had a successful and rousing debut at Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles in July, attended by members of the Chapman Chamber Orchestra as well as the Chapman Percussion

Chapman Percussion Ensemble at the Ojai Music Festival

August 23, 2012 by | CoPA News

 As part of the 66th Ojai Music Festival, six members of the Chapman Percussion Ensemble and adjunct professor of music Dr. Justin DeHart joined 40 additional percussionists from Southern California in a performance of John Luther Adams’ outdoor musical installation  Inuksuit .  The music featured a wide variety of exotic percussive music, including

Grace Fong and Students Visit the Schlern Music Festival

August 21, 2012 by | CoPA News

  Dr. Grace Fong, director of keyboard studies in the Conservatory of Music, served as a faculty member and performer at various music festivals this summer, including the Innsbrook Institute of Music and the Missouri River Arts festival, performing a series of recitals and concerts, and serving as concerto soloist with the Missouri

Music Student on Track to Join the Blue Man Group!

November 2, 2011 by | Student News

Music major Craig Shields (’12) auditioned for the legendary Blue Man Group this fall, and he is on his way to performing with the company!  Craig told us about the audition process and his next steps in his own words below: “The whole Blue Man Group process started in mid-September, when I saw

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