92 posts tagged

conservatory of music


Music Student on Track to Join the Blue Man Group!

November 2, 2011 by | Student News

Music major Craig Shields (’12) auditioned for the legendary Blue Man Group this fall, and he is on his way to performing with the company!  Craig told us about the audition process and his next steps in his own words below: “The whole Blue Man Group process started in mid-September, when I saw

College of Performing Arts Faculty News

October 5, 2011 by | CoPA News

Nick Terry, assistant professor of music, recorded four compositions with his ensemble, the Los Angeles Percussion Quartet, this August at Skywalker Sound (a Lucasfilm Co.) on the classical music label Sono Luminus. The recording, to be released in early 2012, is one of the very first 7.1 surround-sound recordings of percussion chamber music, and will

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